Bank accounts can be managed from anywhere in total security

MITO e MITO & C. are internet banking applications designed by Cabel for the retail and corporate sector. The system allows users to operate their bank accounts via a web channel, and also make payments, carry out security transactions, pay utility bills, and much more.

Access is made safe through an OTP (One Time Password) mechanism, thanks to which the access key is immediately available via an SMS text message or a special APP that can be downloaded to a Smartphone, tablet or desktop PC.
The system applies the strong authentication method as required by the Central European Bank, the Bank of Italy and the Privacy Guarantor.

Access is made safe through an OTP (One Time Password) mechanism, thanks to which the access key is immediately available via an SMS text message or a special APP that can be downloaded to a Smartphone, tablet or desktop PC.
The system applies the strong authentication method as required by the Central European Bank, the Bank of Italy and the Privacy Guarantor.


The functions available to end-users can be parameterized according to the demand of the various banking institutions and the user profile (as regards processes involving consulting and orders of payment, bank transfers, etc.).
Besides the traditional services that enable consultation, bank transfer orders, payment, etc., banks may request the activation of additional functions such as:

  • Post@web – users can check their own bank documents made available by the bank itself;
  • Virtual Portfolio – users can simulate the trading of negotiable securities online and monitor the performance of their own virtual portfolio over time.

Un call center affidabile e professionale gestito da Cabel completa l’offerta e garantisce ogni giorno la migliore fruibilità del servizio per tutti gli interlocutori.

360 – degree technology and services

Besides the internet banking platform,,
Cabel offers
bank customers a
professional call center service